【盲鳥票】太空港音樂藝術嘉年華 台北站


活動取消 公告 :

【太空港音樂藝術嘉年華 台北站】取消活動通知 



如有相關退票事宜請來信至太空港Email: cs@spaceportcarnival.com



good evening traveler_







專屬待遇 等你解鎖






1HR Early Entry



Drink Coupon*1







- VIP Blind Bird Privilege VIP盲鳥特權 -
(Limited to 100 tickets 限量100張)


1HR  Early Entry


藝人合影 (團體照*1)

Meet & Greet  (Group Photo*1)



- VIP專屬區域 Exclusive VIP Zone -



Dance Floor Front Section


Rainproof Viewing Deck


專用廁所 / 吧台 / 通道

 VIP Toilet / Bar / Entrance



- 附贈優惠 Bonus Benefit -



Locker Coupon*1



Drink Coupon*2


Free Recharge







only GA/VIP blind bird special are available







100% 使用再生能源為活動供電















|We are #TeamGaia|

Let’s recharge the planet with art and music🤟








節目名稱:太空港音樂藝術節嘉年華 台北站

演出日期:2023/11.04(六)、11.05 (日)



演出時間:15:00 - 22:00 


盲鳥票啟售時間:2023/02.01 (三) 12:00 



Program Name:2023 SPACEPORT  @TAIPEI

Date:Nov 4th , 2023、Nov 5th , 2023

Early Entry:13:00 (Blind Bird Exclusive)

Door open(Check in):14:00

Show time:15:00 - 22:00 

Age Restriction:This event is open all age, those under 16 audiences can only enter the event with their parents/guardian by their side.








  1. 購票前建議先"加入會員"並盡早完成"手機號碼及電子郵件地址"驗證,以便進行購票流程,建議可於會員"設定"中的"報名預填資料"先行存檔「姓名」和「手機」,以減少購票時間快速進行下一步。
  2. 為了確保您的權益,強烈建議您,在註冊會員或是結帳時填寫的聯絡人電子郵件,盡量不要使用Yahoo或Hotmail郵件信箱,以免因為擋信、漏信,甚至被視為垃圾郵件而無法收到『訂單成立通知信』。
  3. 訂單成立通知信可能因其他因素未能寄達,僅提供交易通知之用,未收到訂單成立通知信不代表交易沒有成功,又或是刷卡付款失敗,請於付款期限之內再次嘗試刷卡(即便收到銀行的授權成功的簡訊或電子郵件),若訂單逾期取消,則表示訂單真的沒有成立,請再重新訂購。一旦無法確認於網站上的訂單是否交易成功,請至會員帳戶的"訂單"查詢您的消費資料,只要是成功的訂單,皆會顯示您所消費的票券明細,若查不到您所訂購的票券,表示交易並未成功,請重新訂票。
  4. KKTIX系統沒有固定的清票時間,只要消費者沒有於期限內完成付款,未付款的票券就會陸陸續續釋放出來,消費者可隨時留意網頁或是機台是否有釋出可售票券張數。
  5. 於KKTIX網站或全家便利商店購買盲鳥雙日票,張數請務必選擇2的倍數,以便訂單成立(請留意,全家便利商店購票或取票每筆訂單4張為限)。
  6. KKTIX網站購票:
    • 每筆訂單限購4張。
    • 建議購票前先加入會員並通過"手機號碼及電子郵件地址"驗證,並於購票前24小時完成驗證的動作以保障購票權益!
    • 進行手機號碼驗證,但收不到簡訊怎麼辦?請點我
    • 付款方式:信用卡(VISA/MASTER/JCB)、ATM虛擬帳號
    • ATM虛擬帳號付款注意事項:僅限於台灣金融機構開戶所核發之提款卡並已開通「非約定帳戶轉帳」之功能,每筆訂單若超過$30,000無法選擇ATM虛擬帳號付款,請務必於期限內付款,逾期未付款訂單將會自動取消
    • 取票方式:郵寄(僅接受郵寄至台灣地址、手續費每筆$200)、全家取票(手續費每筆$30/4張為限,請於全家便利商店繳納給櫃臺)、電子票券(無須酌收手續費)
    • KKTIX購票流程圖示說明 請點我
    • 選擇郵寄取票請留意:請確實核對收件人及收件地址資料,如收發處為公司行號或大樓管理處,請務必確認收發單位能確實將信件轉達給收件者本人,若因該收發處人為疏失或因個人資料填寫錯誤導致無法順利收受票券,恕無法補票。
    • 全家便利商店FamiPort取票說明 請點我
    • 選擇全家便利商店FamiPort取票請留意:請勿在啟售當天於網站訂購完成後馬上至全家便利商店取票,極有可能因系統繁忙無法馬上取票,只要訂購成功票券在演出前皆可取票,請擇日再至全家便利商店取票。
    • 電子票券 QRCode 在哪裡?該如何使用?詳情 請點選此處
  7. 全家便利商店FamiPort購票:
    • 無需加入會員,每筆訂單限購4張
    • 付款方式:僅接受現金
    • 取票方式:付款完畢直接於全家便利商店櫃檯現場取票,免手續費
    • 全家便利商店店鋪查詢 請點我
    • 全家便利商店FamiPort購票流程圖示說明 請點我
    • 於全家便利商店FamiPort列印繳費單後,需在10分鐘內在該店櫃檯完成結帳,若無法在時間內完成結帳取票,訂單將會被取消,原本購買的票券將釋回到系統中重新銷售。
    • 於全家便利商店之購票動作皆於結帳取票後方能保證票券,請注意單憑列印繳費單無法保證其票券。


選擇郵寄方式取得實體票券者,將獲得附贈的2022 SPACEPORT機票款復刻票套(數量有限,送完為止)但由於運送規範,額外郵資需自行負擔!




  1. 請勿於拍賣網站或是其他非KKTIX正式授權售票之通路、網站購票,除可能衍生詐騙案件或交易糾紛外,以免影響自身權益,若發生演出現場無法入場或是其他問題,主辦單位及KKTIX概不負責。
  2. 若有任何形式非供自用而加價轉售(無論加價名目為代購費、交通費、補貼等均包含在內)之情事者,已違反社會秩序維護法第64條第2款,請勿以身試法。
  3. 一人一票、憑票入場,票券視同有價證券,請妥善保存,如發生遺失、破損、燒毀或無法辨識等狀況,恕不補發。
  4. 如遇票券毀損、滅失或遺失,主辦單位將依「藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」第七項「票券毀損、滅失及遺失之入場機制:主辦單位應提供消費者票券毀損、滅失及遺失時之入場機制並詳加說明。」之規定辦理,詳情請洽KKTIX客服中心。
  5. 本活動所蒐集之資料,包含姓名、Email、手機等資訊,僅提供主辦單位做為現場核對、製作證書、活動公告、客服聯絡及後續服務等使用,並不會做其他用途,亦不會將您的個人資料和活動資料提供給無關的第三方。

The information we collect for the event, including your name, Email and phone number, are only for the promoter to identify the order, making tree-planting certification or sending event notice, customer service etc. we will not provide your personal information to any irrelevant third party.

  1. 各表演場館各有其入場規定,請持票人遵守之,遲到觀眾需遵守館方管制。

Every venue has its own rules. Please follow the restrictions.

  1. 消費者必須以真實姓名購票及填寫有效個人資訊,一旦以虛假資料購買票券已經涉及「偽造私文書罪」,依照刑法第二百十條:「偽造、變造私文書,足以生損害於公眾或他人者,處五年以下有期徒刑。」 ,主辦單位及KKTIX皆有權利立即取消該消費者訂單,請勿以身試法!






Please be aware of the following event notices, please do not purchase if you do not agree to avoid unnecessary conflicts or dispute. Once the consumer purchased the tickets they will be  deemed to consent.


  1. 實際活動/入場時間請參考太空港官方社群、官網的活動公告,入場須知及活動攻略,若有異動主辦方將會於太空港官網及官方社群(Instagram、Facebook)公告。

The final/actual event & entry time will be announced on SPACEPORT's official social media channels and website, if any event notices and guideline has changed, #TeamGaia will announce it at official website & social channel (Instagram & Facebook)

  1. 活動期間若遭遇疫情,請自備及配戴好口罩,入場防疫規範將依中央流行疫情指揮中心指引辦理,主辦單位保留調整與最終決定權力。除出示政府單位的強制隔離單外,否則確診及其他疾病將視為個人風險,活動前10天不予退票。

Please bring and wear your mask and follow the instructions from CDC, the promoter will reserve the right to adjust the rules of entry. Getting sick is a personal risk for attending concerts/events that only happen at a specific time, the promoter will stop taking application for ticket refunds 10 days before the show. If the consumer is diagnosed Covid-19 positive within 10 days before the show, the promoter will refund only if the consumer can provide a non-volunteer quarantine notice issued by goverment.

  1. 本活動為一人一票不記名制,憑票券、本人證件以驗證年齡後(外國人士適用護照或政府認可之證明),於入口處安檢完畢後兌換當日手環方可入場,請攜帶有效證件如身分證、健保卡、駕照、護照。

This event is not a real-name system, 1 ticket for 1 person's entry. Please bring your valid ID (ID, driver license, passport, medical card) for age-check, the audiences will only enter the venue after security bag check and must wear your wristband all time when on site.

  1. 本活動開放全年齡參加,未滿16歲需家長/監護人購票陪同方可入場,本活動場地內外發生之未成年違法行為,主辦單位、演出者將一概不負責,請當事人及監護人自行負責。

This event is open all age, those under 16 audiences can only enter the event with their parents/guardian by their side. Please take care of the minor with you, the promoter will not be responsible for any accident.

  1. 本活動VIP看台區及VVIP包廂區域僅開放年齡18歲以上者入場,未成年即使購此票種亦無法進入VIP看台區及VVIP包廂區域,但依然可以使用VIP其他福利及特權,例如進入VIP搖滾區。

VIP & VVIP area age restriction is 18+, minors will not be able to enter the VIP view deck area and VVIP area even when they purchase the VIP ticket. (Other VIP benefits still valid for underage, e.g the front section of dance floor.)

  1. 本活動憑門票入場且無法重複入場,若中途離場則需重新買票方可再入場,觀眾無法憑手環再入場。

This event is admission by ticket only and not open for re-entry, audiences will not be able to enter the event by wristband, once the audience have left, will require a new ticket for re-entry.

  1. 由於本活動人潮眾多,避免意外推擠,恕限140公分以上者入場。

Due to the large number of people at this event, entry is limited to those 140 cm and above to avoid any accidental crowding.

  1. 入場後一律採取手環辨識,活動期間,請務必全程配戴手環,嚴禁取下、交換或轉售給他人,如經查獲未購買門票、持非當日門票或未配戴手環者將以現場原價票價進行全額補票。

Please wear your wristband at all-time, strictly forbidden to take off, switch or resell to others. Once the official catches the audiences who did not purchase tickets, or without a wristband, the audience will be required to pay for the original price of the ticket.

  1. 活動中請妥善保管手環、若遺失及毀損請自行負責,若經查獲,主辦單位無須承擔補票責任。

Please properly keep your wristband when during the event, we will not provide a new wristband if the audience lost it.

  1. 本票券經核銷及兌換後無法重複使用。

The ticket will not be valid after scanned and used.

  1. 雙日套票限同一人使用,入場時需出示雙日門票(2張),才能領取雙日手環(1個),請妥善保管手環,遺失恕不補發,第二天需憑未使用的票卷及雙日手環入場。

The two-day pass is for one person's usage only, two-day tickets must be presented upon entry to receive the two-day wristbands. Please keep the wristbands properly, as they will not be reissued if lost, entry the next day is only allowed with an unused ticket and the two-day wristband.

  1. 為加速現場交易流程,本活動除售票口、現場加值區與其它特區外,一率採『悠遊卡』 、『悠遊付』或具『悠遊卡』之功能卡進行交易,一卡單日上限台幣$3000,建議事先準備多張抑或是活動前完成加值以節省時間。

To speed up the payment procedure, except for the box office, top up booth and other special zone that allows cash payment, this event chooses to use EasyCard/EasyPay or credit cards with EasyCard function for payment on site. EasyCard’s daily spending limit is NTD$3000, we recommend you prepare more than one card and top up before the show to save your time.

  1. 本活動禁帶外食及飲品進場,如經查獲者,需於場外食用完畢或丟棄後方可入場,場內另有販售酒水及熟食區。

This event is strictly forbidden for food and beverage from outside of the venue, please finish your food and drinks or dump it before your entry. We have F&B service inside the event.

  1. 為降低碳足跡,場內飲食區皆不提供一次性餐具(含叉子、湯匙、碗、飲料杯、酒杯),活動另提供餐具租借/清洗區,建議自備環保餐具於活動中使用。

To reduce carbon footprints, SPACEPORT has terminated the single-time use tableware on site. Please provide your green tableware or rent it at the food court. We have a tableware wash zone on site.

  1. 為維護觀賞品質與避免影響拍攝,請勿攜帶大型應援物、大型燈牌,應援物品規格不得超過30*50 cm,材質將由現場工作人員鑑定,不可有任何攻擊性、傷害他人的堅硬、尖銳物進場,可攜帶手旗、毛巾、扇子等布/紙製應援物,其它特殊裝扮、應援物請來信客服提供照片及材質詢問是否可以攜帶入場。

Please do not bring any huge/glowing fan-support goods that could damage other’s show watching experiences. If you must bring the size is limited to 30*50cm, the officials have the right to check its material and refuse any dangerous, attackable props. Flags, Towel, Fan or fabric made support props are acceptable. If you’re not sure please write to our CS email to find out the availability.

  1. 為確保活動現場安全及方便管理,請勿攜帶違禁物品,隨身行李將進行安全檢查之程序後方可入場。違禁物品不得入場,可至場外寄物區自費寄物,或交由主辦方代為丟棄,貴重物品請自行保管,物品價值超過500元以上主辦方不負保管責任,為避免寄物糾紛,請在寄物時拍攝託管物品照片方便工作人員於物品損壞、遺失時核對。

Please do not bring any contraband for big scale event safety, everyone needs to pass the security bag check to enter the event, prohibited goods are allowed to enter the event, please use the locker service outside or dump it. Please don’t leave your valuable belongings, the locker service team does not take any responsibility for guarding any items worth more than NTD$500. To avoid conflicts please take a photo of your belongings when using the locker services.

  1. 本活動設置場內寄物及場外寄物,違禁品不得入場,請至場外寄物後再排隊入場,場內及場外寄物最晚取件時間為活動當日23:00。

We have locker service booths outside and inside the event, the prohibited goods are not allowed to enter the venue, please come back after you have checked your belongings, the locker service closes at 23:00.

  1. 隨身包包/提袋之最大尺寸為雙肩後背包,行李箱不得入場,若不符合規定請至入口處自費寄物。請避免攜帶有多處口袋、暗袋等結構複雜之包包/提袋增加安檢時間。

Please do not bring suitcase or bags size bigger than a backpack, contraband or big bags required to pay bag-checked outside of the venue. Please do not bring any bag that has so many hidden pockets or bags with complicated structures that will increase time for security check.

  1. 本活動禁止攜帶行動電源,場內提供綠能行動電源租借,VIP商務艙觀眾租借電源免費。

Power bank/ portable charger is not allowed. We provide green power charger rental service on site. VIP tickets are free for charger rental.

  1. 本活動除卻導盲犬,寵物不開放入場。

Pets are not allowed except for guide dogs.

  1. 本活動恕不提供租借輪椅,可自行評估狀況攜帶。

This event does not have a wheelchair rental service. Please bring your own wheelchair after consideration.

  1. 本活動禁止攜帶單眼相機、攝影機、自拍棒、空拍機……等專業攝影器材,嚴禁使用任何附攝影功能之電子設備(包括但不限於手機、平板、數位相機、底片相機等)記錄舞台,若違規攝影舞台導致鏡頭設備遭雷射至損,請自行負責,主辦方及藝人經紀公司對於攝影舞台之版權、肖像、公開使用等一切行為保留法律追溯權。

This event is strictly forbidden to bring any monocular camera, video camera, selfie-stick, drones and other professional filming equipment, strictly forbidden to film the stage with any electronic devices (including but not limited to smartphones, pad, digital camera or film camera) to record the show. Please take full responsibility of your behavior and filming devices, the stage laser light might damage your camera lens if you don’t follow the rules. The promoter and artist agencies reserve the rights to pursue legal action for public usage of the show and portrait rights.   

  1. 本活動禁止攜帶打火機、火柴、香菸、電子菸、煙油與煙彈,除吸煙區外全面禁止抽菸。

This event is strictly forbidden to bring lighter, matchsticks, cigarettes, E-ciggarette. nicotine oil and cartridge. This is a non-smoking event except for the smoking area..

  1. 本活動因場地限制及安全考量禁止攜帶滑板、滑板車、溜冰鞋、腳踏車、遙控飛機、遙控汽車、風箏、雷射筆等無法通過安檢的物品。

Skateboard, scooter, roller-blade, bicycle, remote-control aircraft/auto, kite, laser pen etc.

  1. 本活動禁止攜帶各式傘類(雨天可自備雨衣)、伸縮性自拍棒、旗桿、板凳、折疊椅、帳篷或任何可能有攻擊性的產品,可攜帶野餐墊、充氣沙發、懶骨頭等無攻擊性之裝備。

Any kind of umbrella(raincoat is allowed), selfie-sticks, flag pole, chair, tent, or any other attackable product is forbidden. Picnic mat, inflatable sofa, lazybone etc are allowed.

  1. 為保證大型群聚活動的安全,本活動嚴禁攜帶任何液體,易燃液體、腐蝕性液體、煙火產品、壓縮氣體、槍械、尖銳器械、毒品等非法物品,如經查獲一律移警處理。

Any liquid from outside of the venue is strictly forbidden for event safety. Flammable liquids, corrosive liquid, fireworks, compressed gas, firearms, sharp instruments, illegal drugs etc are not allowed. We will hand it to the police once we find it.

  1. 本活動將有駐場警察,與固定警隊、便衣刑警巡邏以保障觀眾安全。

Police officers and undercover policemen are on site for event safety.

  1. 依照民航局的要求,嚴禁攜帶氣球、空拍機、煙火、雷射筆,違者民航局將依法開罰。

According to the Civil Aviation Administration, balloons, drones, fireworks and laser pens are not allowed, violators will be penalized according to the law.

  1. 醫療藥品之攜帶,須標示清楚且備有用藥證明,將由現場醫療人員評估是否可攜帶入場。

If you must bring medical drugs, please bring doctor subscription notes, our medical team on site will evaluate and decide if it’s allowed to bring it in.

  1. 本活動禁止攜帶已開封成藥或眼藥水,未開封的眼藥水不再此限。

Unpacked medicines or eye drops are not allowed, brand new/ unopened eye drops are allowed.

  1. 本活動禁止破壞環境設施及設備,違反者將照價索取賠償。

Please do not sabotage our environment installation or equipment, the promoter will claim compensation from violators.

  1. 未成年者禁止購買與飲用酒精性飲料,如經查獲主辦單位將有權驅除離場並不予退費。

Minors are strictly forbidden to purchase or drink alcohol, once we find out the promoter has the right to ask you to leave and do not refund.

  1. 未成年者請勿吸菸、購買菸品以及進出吸煙區,如經查獲主辦單位將有權驅除離場並不予退費。

Minors are strictly forbidden to purchase/smoke or enter smoking areas, once we catch you we have the right to ask you to leave and do not refund.

  1. 禁止代購煙品、酒精飲料提供給未成年人,如經查獲主辦單位將有權驅除離場並不予退費。

Purchasing cigarettes/alcohol for minors is not allowed, once we find out the promoter has the right to ask you to leave and do not refund.

  1. 成年者於場內請理性飲酒,並落實喝酒不開車,開車不喝酒原則。若欲飲酒請搭乘大眾交通工具前往及離場,珍惜自己和他人生命。

Please drink responsibly, and do not drive under influences. Please take public transportation if you drink, treasure your life and other people's life.

  1. 成年者因飲酒過量而造成他人困擾之時,經勸不聽者主辦單位有權驅逐離場,並不予以退費。

Please do not harass other audiences after drinking, the promoter has the right to ask you to leave once you’re out of control and do not refund.

  1. 請隨時注意隨身財物及自身的安全。

Please mind your belongings and self safety at all-time.

  1. 現場如看見任何可疑、危險、違反規定之行為或身體不適者,請立即通報鄰近巡警或工作人員。

Please report to our staff when you see any sick people, suspicious, dangerous behavior or violation of our event rules.

  1. 本活動禁止投擲物品、翻越隔離設施及其他任何危險行為,若因違反現場規定而導致發生事故,將追究相關責任及賠償損失。

Please do not throw any goods, climb or cross the fences/mojo, or any dangerous behavior. If any accident happens because of your violation,  the promoter reserves the right to pursue legal action or claim compensations.

  1. 本活動為音樂節,非單一藝人之個場專場,入場時間自由並且無座位,若主辦方無延遲開場則不接受因為錯失單一藝人演出之退費請求。活動將於演出前一小時開放觀眾入場,持盲鳥票卷可再提早一小時入場,最晚入場時間為21:30,超過時間主辦方有權禁止入場並且不予退費,。

This event is a music festival, not a solo concert, unless the promoter has delay the entry time otherwise we do not accept any refund request for missing a single artist’s performance. Doors will open an hour before the show, blind-bird tickets are able to get in 1 hour earlier than early-bird and pre-sale tickets. The final boarding time is 21:30, the promoter will not let anyone in after 21:30 and will not refund for the late audiences.

  1. 票卷附贈之飲品、充電服務、禮品等兌換卷請加入官方LINE帳號領取,禁止轉讓且無法重複使用。

Please add SPACEPORT official LINE account to get your drinks/charge/locker/gift coupons, every coupon can be used for one time and it’s not transferable.

  1. 禁止造成其他觀衆傷害的一切行爲。如出現此類行爲而發生其他觀衆受傷等情況,主辦單位概不負責,請雙方當事人自行解決,經勸不聽者主辦單位有權驅逐離場,並不予以退費。

The promoter is not responsible for any fights or personal conflicts on site, please do not do anything that might  hurt other people. The promoter has the right to kick out the attendees who cause troubles or hurt people and do not refund.

  1. 活動場地內外發生的刑事、民事案件(如竊盜、私人糾紛等),主辦單位、演出者將一概不負責,請觀眾妥善保管好自身財物及人身安全。

Promoter is not responsible for the criminal or civil crimes (thief or personal conflicts etc) on site or outside the event, please mind your belongings and take care of your safety.

  1. 本活動除主辦單位官方攤位及簽約合作廠商外,觀眾不得在場內進行交易及派發任何宣傳品,違規者若經查獲得強制離開會場,並不得要求退還票款。

Except the official sponsors and vendors, audiences are not allowed doing any promotions or sales on site, the promoter has the right to ask you to stop or to leave and do not refund.

  1. 因應新冠狀病毒肺炎(COVID-19)之疫情,如經政府機關通知建議活動延期或是暫停舉辦,主辦單位有終止或延後舉辦本場活動之權利。

The promoter has the right to delay or cancel the show due to force majeure or Covid-19 pandemic/government policy.

  1. 如遇天候或不可抗力之突發因素,主辦單位保留隨時調整應變或終止本活動內容及藝人陣容之權利。

The promoter reserves the right to adjust the lineup or end the event due to the dangerous weather, attacktion, or force majeure.

  1. 肖像權使用聲明:購票本人同意並授權太空港音樂藝術嘉年華活動拍攝、使用、改做、修飾、公開展示本人之肖像(包含照片及視訊影像,以下簡稱肖像)、名字、聲音…等,於本活動中所拍攝之作品。本人同意太空港音樂藝術嘉年華活動就上述著作(內含上述授權之肖像、名字、聲音等)享有完整之著作權,其關係企業、受讓人、被授權人及繼受人得使用本人之肖像、名字、聲音…等於所有形式的著作載體及媒體。太空港音樂藝術嘉年華得以各種媒體管道或印刷方式呈現授權內容之全部或部分、並可公開發表,無須再通知或經由本人同意,但於公開發表時必須尊重本人個人形象。

Agree for portrait rights: you agree to let the promoter use your portrait rights for SPACEPORT’s event recap public usage(including pictures and video image), names, sounds etc. Spaceport will have the full copyright to its picture/video content for media usage or publish without notice.

  1. 以上注意事項若有未盡事宜,主辦單位保留最終解釋權與增加、變更及取消等注意事項之權利,相關規定以 SPACEPORT太空港FaceBook粉絲專頁、Instagram、官網及現場公告為主。

The promoter reserves the final interpretation and the rights to increase, adjust and cancel precautions terms. The latest notice will be announced on SPACEPORT facebook fan page/ Instagram channel and official website.


以上若有任何進一步問題,我們將竭盡為您服務!歡迎來信至太空港客服信箱 cs@spaceportcarnival.com

If you have any further question, feel free to contact us through cs@spaceportcarnival.com

sincerely at your service.







  • 請求退換票日期,以實體票券在退票期限前寄達至主辦單位地址或電子票卷寄達客服信箱之日為準。

  • 本活動此次退票皆依方案一辦法規定,酌收規定之票面金額10%手續費。

購買 11/4場次單日票及雙日套票 限2023/10/24(含)前寄達。

購買 11/5場次單日票及雙日套票 限2023/10/25(含)前寄達。

  • 實體票券(含全家取票,請先至全家FamiPort將票券取出):需以郵寄方式退回票券,請將「票券」 及「退票申請書」以掛號方式郵寄至太空港地球總部「台北市信義區東興路45號9樓 / 水星媒體股份有限公司 票務組 收」。退費程序將以主辦單位收到「票券」 及「退票申請書」當日始算60個工作日(不含假日)內完成退款作業,如過了上述時間點尚未收到退款,可再度來信詢問進度。
  • 電子票券:請完整填寫「退票申請書」並 Email 到太空港客服信箱 cs@spaceportcarnival.com ,退費程序將在收件日起算60個工作日(不含假日)內完成退費作業。
  • 凡購買電子票券,退票僅受理整筆訂單,不可拆分退票。購買實體票券者可受理單張退票。
  • 換票等同於退票,請退票後再逕行於 KKTIX 購買。
  • 購買GA/VIP雙日套票退換票亦需包含套票退票,恕無法退單張票券。
  • 一旦完成取消訂單及退票手續,該退票之票券將失效,恕無法恢復。
  • 「取票手續費」、「轉帳手續費」及「寄回票券郵資」等額外手續費非屬票價部分需由購票人承擔。
  • 退票申請書 下載



票種 販售時間 售價

2023/02/01 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/03/31 22:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$2,700

2023/02/01 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/03/31 22:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$4,800

2023/02/01 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/03/31 22:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$2,250

2023/02/01 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/03/31 22:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$3,900